Aquest primer nino el vaig fer ja fa molts anys. Està tot cosit a mà (sense màquina) i té uns detalls infantils a la camisa (tren). Es molt tovet i agradable d'abraçar!
I did this first doll many years ago. It was all done by hand (no sewing machine) and it has some infant details on its shirt (train). It is very soft and so nice to hug!
Ara que tinc una màquina vaig decidir tornar a treure el patró del nino per a probar de fer-ho a màquina! No em va quedar exactament igual, però no el volia desfer. (Si voleu treure un patró d'algo que ja està fet, el millor es desfer-ho per agafar el patró). Tot i així ha quedat ben bufó! i ja està a punt per anar cap a la seva nova casa ben aviat!
Now that I have a sewing machine I decided to try again and take the doll pattern to do it with the machine! It did not end up to be an exact copy, but i did not want to undo it. (If you want to take the pattern of something that's already finished you should undo it to take out the pattern). Anyway I find it very cute! And it is ready to go to its new home soon!
Espero que us hagi agradat!
I wish you liked it!
Som Manetes :)
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