Aquesta monada de mussol el va fer la meva cosina Idoia Robert, que és una manetes en papiroflèxia i aquesta tècnica (que jo desconeixia completament...) que es diu QUILLING.
He buscat informació per internet i trobareu mil idees i tutorials!!! Animo a tothom a probar-ho! Hi ha coses moníssimes! Prepareu la paciència... i a treballar!
Pd: Pensareu, que en faré d'un mussol de paper??? Jo li he posat un cordillet per a penjar-lo! Ja tinc un adorn més al meu arbre de Nadal!
Fins aviat,
Som Manetes :)
This cutty owl was made by my cousin Idoia Robert, who is an expert in Origami and this technic called QUILLING (I didn't know a thing about it!) I have looked for information on the internet and there are hundreds of ideas and tutorials! I recommend you to try! There are a lot of cute things! Prepare your patience... And start working!
Ps. You'll think, what will I do with a paper owl? Well... I've attached to it a coloured string, so I can hang it from my christmas tree!!!
See you soon!
Som Manetes :)
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