Per a tots els que us agraden les manualitats, del tipus que sigui, sabeu que es necessita temps per a acabar els projectes i per tant cal ser previsor!
Jo per a aquest any m'he comprat un llibre de patrons d'amigurmi!!! Estic super emocionada!!! Tinc moltissimes ganes de rebrel i de començar a fer ganxet!
El llibre es diu Amigurumi Winter Wonderland i té 15 patrons de diferents nivells. L'he comprat per internet en una pre-venda, ja que es publica a partir del 29 de setembre i el preu es molt raonable. A més el pots comprar només en PDF o en paper (i el pdf gratuit).
Si voleu conèixer l'artista d'aquests magnífics patrons, busqueu a google Ilaria Caliri! Us encantaran les seves creacions!
Fins aviat,
Som Manetes :)
Per encàrrecs:
I know it is still warm... That trees still have their leaves on... but Christmas will be here faster than you think!
For all of you who love crafts, any kind of it, you know it takes long to finish all the projects, so you must start soon!
For this year I bought myself an amigurumi book pattern! I am sooo excited! I can't wait to have it home and start crocheting!
The book is called Amigurumi Wonderland and it has 15 different pattenrs of different levels. I bought it on the internet, in the pre-sale, it's been just published today, and the price is very reasonable. You can buy it only as a pdf or the paper edition (which includes the pdf as well).
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